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괜찮아, 다 끈아서요~

I rang up Wei Sum..I desperately need someone to listen to me... Thanks Wei Sum,for being patient enough to listen to my craps~ Hahahaha.. I felt much better after having a good cry on the phone..Really,you need to cry your heart out in order to forget something that you like... Don't ever think of doing anything stupid to yourself like slitting your wrist,pick up smoking or cutting yourself with the cutter something like that..It won't mean anything... It will just leave you ugly scars...Cry..Its okay....Release those tensions,let go of those feelings... Sometimes humans are just so stubborn that they tend to always keep things to themselves,keeping things that are useless. Crying,would be the best way to relieve those feelings.let go of something that we have been holding on to but are useless.

This will be the last time i'll cry for him...No more...Feelings are gone,I'm gonna continue my extravagant life~ He is just something,that i should have go through,part of my life experience...That's it..No more.. It will be a story,that i will tell my children later,before meeting their daddy [Changmin oppa!!!!] XD

You need to get hurt in order to grow up...Experience,is a valuable lesson that makes you a more matured and knowledgeable person. Learn from it,so you will not repeat the same mistake for the 2nd time. You may regret,but what lies ahead are more important than the past. Letting it go,will be a better way than holding it on,which makes man's life more miserable. Try letting it go,and you will see,it will be a better world. ^^

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* I have no regrets to the fact that i met you...I wish you the best,so wish me the same too... Goodbye~


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