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JongHyun ahh,get well soon~

Watched "Music Bank" this evening...hmm~ A lot of new groups debuting. I listened to their songs,some are even popular,and their songs just sound the same..It has become a trend that the lyrics of the are tend to be repetative.And doesn't make sense at all.. Dear singer agency,could you please form new groups which consist of quality instead of just pretty or handsome faces??? Yes,they are pretty,or are handsome,but the way they sing the songs is just ridiculous!! Even a passerby could sing that way~ Don't just focus on the trend..Form a group which can last long... huhu..

I was shocked to see Yesung singing 'Ring Ding Dong'..At first, i taught it was a special stage,but JongHyun seemed nowhere to be found..then i remembered,Ye Ji eonni told me that JongHyun caught the swine flu... Oh my god~ Yesungie look so handsome,manly,cool and cute!!!!!! The performance was not bad though,but i think they need to do more training..A little bit dissapointed cause i taught Yesungie would join in the dance,but he ended up appearing and disappearing for some moment~ It would be fun to have Suju to sing this song~

I watched '2 days and 1 night' with my dad. Oh my god,it was so funny that we can't stop laughing,until tears came out,we still won't stop...They're too funny~~ Sorry to my neighbours ya..but it was really really funny..hahahahhahah~

* My body is still itching.is it because of the medicine or what????


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