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We'll always stand by u~

>_< I'm tired of waiting...I'm confused..Who should i believe now??? The news from Seoul(thanks to my Ye Ji eonni~) and the updates i received are different... Lee Soo Man is said to be arrested due to accepting bribery,but i have no updates about it.. and the statement thingy,did Yunho and Changmin really signed that??? Before this they claim to trust SM and will be at SM's side,but the korea press said actually the two wanted to leave SM too,but is tied down due to the contract~ OMG,this is freaking confusing~

I'm sad,i'm confused,i'm furious, and i'm tired of waiting~ It is not that i am not willing to wait for u guys anymore,but this lawsuit thing is taking too long... We're exhausted.. We always cry after looking at the updates..and now you are mentioning 5-3..what is this??!!! and damn u SM..don't focus on the 13 years long contract,it's the rules and regulations!!!! eish~ many of us are getting tired now... I'll be willing to wait,because time doesn't matters,but i don't know what and how others think~ They might just lost hope and give up,leave Cassiopeia.. I don't want that to happen oppa.. Please,come back to us quickly!!!! As like you sung the song "Stand By U"
' Where are you now?
Who are you with?
what kind of clothes are you wearing?
what are you doing and laughing at?
I am right here, even now I am right here.
And I still believe that we will see each other again. '

oppa yah,do you know how much do we miss you???? Do you know how much we yearn for you??? Come back to us as 5,please i beg you..Don't make us cry,and don't make us wait again~ A Cassie replied my post on youtube today regarding to the song JaeJoong sung in his drama " Heaven's Postman".. I thanked him'her,and she replied: No biggy,Cassies share the world! I was so touched.. Always keep the faith in our oppas dear Cassiopeias!!!!We're tired and frustrated,but oppas are suffering much more than us~ We should hold hands in hands together,staying strong together.. let us show our love and support to TVXQ!!!!

#사랑 참 어렵다~ 어렵다~ 마니 힘들다
하지만,네가 오빠를 기달이게...
기달이죠~ 사라해,오빠 먀~


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