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eww~ stupid 아조씨!!!!!!

Ergh~ i met a perverted old malay guy on the bus.. i was sitting at the upper seat on the bus and this pervert came up later..he stood in front of me,holding the pole.. i thought it was just normal ,so i didn't really pay attention on him.... Later,i felt something uneasy against my knee..omo,he's gotten near to me,with his lower body part.. ahh!!!!!!! such a humuliation!!!!! He acted as if nothing has happened,and i too sat a bit to the sideways...the uneasy felling was gone foe a moment,but then it came back again... wat the!!! F****** U you pervert old man..how i wish i could have kicked his 'tut'!! but the angle was just not right!!!! If i raised my knee it would make him more happier..shit!!! When the bus stopped at Jusco,i immediately stepped down from the seat...and the pervert even glance at me~ PUI!!!! my precious kneecap!!!! >_< 야!!!편태아조씨, don't let me see you again or i'll kick your 'tut' until u can't have sex!!!!! eish~~~ totally gross!!!!


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