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hohohoh~ Started work at 7am today,seems that i didn't get enough sleep last night cuz my eyes looked red..Well,i think it's worth it due to playing the styling up TVXQ thingy..hahha~ It was so much fun,and i even had my brother to guess it~
I was only aware of the '15minute challenge' thingy when i started to get warmed up at my work..Shit,i thought it was kinda fun at first,but it turns out that it makes people look cheap and stingy[to me]...A guy was even timing us to redeem that damn free white coffee!!!! Dang mister!!! You look so cheap!!!! If you can't afford to drink one,why did you come in the first place??!! We're on a first come first serve basis,sometimes you just have to wait..That's how the world goes right?? eish~ Felt so annoyed when customers wanted to redeem that free white coffee...

I found out today that there is another china company that wants to sue JaeChunSu for fraud. Damn it,isn't it enough already?? And when i watched "Entertainment Week" on KBS, I was so furious when the SM co. had a conference saying that JaeChunSu sued SM due to the profit sales of the cosmetic line...SHIT!!! What a f***-ing statement!!!!! Are humans these ugly when it comes to money and fame???? It's just feel so nauseated reading these things.. PUI!!!!! man,i just want out boys to come back together in 5,performing for us,having some privacy of their own..This lawsuit thingy is taking too long!! When will it end??? I think my B/P shot up high every time i received these kind of updates~ eish~ and for the MAMA event,i hope the 5 of them will be able to attend as TVXQ~ oppa hwaiting!!!

lyrics that i wish to say to TVXQ:
널 사랑한다 널 사랑한다
나에게 하나뿐인 사람이여
그립고 그립고 그립다
그립고 그립고 그립다..." K.Will's new song-
그립고 그립고 그립다

" I want you back, You back.
I want you back, yeah yeah~ " SECRET-I Want You Back

* It's not TVfXQ,when the 5 of us are not together. - Changmin


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