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Should i?? Should i not??

Well,i think there's a guy working at the same place with me likes me..It is only like,not love ya~ Get that right... Hmm...He's far from what i want in a guy,for example the height,the personality,the ability to take care of his own and other people,his career,his educational background(guess you are saying that i'm too picky right???)...But he's got a pair of quite attractive eyes which makes a nice curve when he smiles..*thats why i love Changmin~ kekekek~ his mismatched eyes are too cute and pure!!!!!* Mwo..He's good looking.... But there's a fact that i dislike. He smokes.. And the reason he started smoking was he broke up with his girlfriend,and started smoking to numb his feelings...Guess he really loves her.. Eish..This kind of guy is one of the types i blacklisted-smoking for his girlfriend. Can't you do something else rather than smoking??? Try out something new perhaps(that's my way~) It may seem silly,but that's the best way not to harm yourself. Get a new haircut,change your style of wearing,or maybe find a new hobby...Isn't this better??? Smoking harms your health,as well as others..

I was quite happy throughout the whole day at my work..But before i finish my working hours,he came and talk to me,asking me to count the money.And it was the worst part.. I was inhaling that time and SHIT!!!! I smell tobacco in his mouth!!!! Immediately i felt uncomfortable and dizzy.I didn't mean to show a bad attitude,but i was feeling very unwell then.I wanted to go home so badly but customers who came to the cashier to pay kept pouring in...I can't laugh like i do earlier.. Shit.. Didn't i told him not to smoke around me??? I was really furious..You may think that i care for him,but i don't like my friends to smoke. Even if he's a nobody,as long as i have to keep contact with them,i don't like any of them smoking~ I really really really really really hate that!!!! I was so furious at that time that i wanted to get rid of him out of my life!!!! It's either i change job,or he leaves. I really cannot accept that!!! My head felt heavy and i felt difficult to breathe..Its so suffocating.. I wanted to get rid of that smell so badly that i kept on coughing..

Today is saturday,and there's a night market near my house. Usually i would eat until my stomach explodes,but today,i totally lost my appetite.Now i know why smokers are so thin and doesn't eat much..The smell really makes you lose appetite...I walk around the night market with my friend Bee Lian,since it was still early.After that,i bought something light to eat,and went home..My head hurts.. I sms-ed him that i may not be going to the night market,saying that i was feeling uncomfortable... I planned to rest a little at home,then go and buy my magazine,then come back home. But this stupid guy who went overboard didn't know what was happening,and he called me to ask me where am i. Oh god..I wanted to squash him and chop him into pieces...I answered the call,and i tell him i may not be going cuz i'm not feeling well.He asked me why. I was reluctant to tell him at first,cuz i thought it may hurt his pride..But i couldn't stand it,so i ask him if he smoked this afternoon.He immediately say no.I ask him again,he still insist in saying no.Hell shit..I'm really pissed off. So i ask him that last time if he really did smoke this afternoon.Finally,he admitted it. He ask me how i knew about it,oh please..You would be automatically aware of something you dislike right??? I could smell that right away you idiot!!!! And he blamed me for telling Wan Ching cuz she phoned him not long ago and scolded him *thanks Wan Ching~^^* For heaven's sake,i need not to tell Wan Ching about that!!!! I'm not that close to her~~ But still, i went to the night market with him,as i have to change the clothes for Bee Lian and buy dinner for my brother..

We went around the night market,i changed the clothes,he bought a tee that i chose,bought mee for my brother,and sat down to eat his dinner..He kept on asking me to eat,or at least drink something,but i really can't bring myself to enjoy it.I have no appetite at all...The tau fu far that i favorite most can't even 'seduce' me..Hahahha~ See the effects of smoking on me??? Once it has been done,it can never turn back again...I'm that kind of person that goes by the extremities.

I thought of something scary like that..Maybe i'll just play a little relationship game with him. I don't really think that he likes me,i think he just may be lonely after his breakup with his girlfriend,so he's trying to find another girl to cover up the emptiness in him... I don't mind playing,since i'm single,have no worries at all.I know my goal,and my will power is strong enough. I'll be getting a dashing Korean guy somehow...Hahahha.. But thinking on the other side..If we really play this game,and we ended this game after some time. Will he pick up smoking again?? Since he already did that for his girlfriend,he might just do it the second time~ Right??? As the saying goes,'When you had the first time,you will be doing it for the second,third and fourth time..' That is why,this game is a bit risky.. I can't take up the responsibilities of ruining others' life....And i don't want to... So,smokers,
LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! cuz if you come,i'll just keep hating you no matter what you do!!

내가 smoking 의 남자를 정말 싫어요!!!!! It's disgusting!!!! pui!!!!


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