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Are we on the right side??

Received the updates from Hanlei that Yunho and Changmin decided to stay at SM's side... I went through what they said and what they say was right... It was SME who created TVXQ,and only SME can provide the best production and management team available. Below is what they stated in a compiled document:

"We five members of DBSK signed the same contract with the same clauses and for the past five years, and have worked together under same conditions with utmost trust in the company, each other and our dreams. We intend to share our dream and future with the company and keep the promises we made in the contract. DBSK was made by SM and we intend to work as DBSK with SM.

No other company can create DBSK, as only SM can provide the best production and management team available. The three members must know better than anyone else that SM is the one who knows DBSK the best and made DBSK the best. We intend to keep trust and promise and thus intend on staying with SME. DBSK’s grand future will be with SME. We believe that our Korean promotion, planned for next spring, should be prepared at least six months in advance before our future as one DBSK becomes unclear. If the other three members truly want to stay as one DBSK, they must make a decision before it is too late.
They also commented on the beauty product controversy which sparked this legal dispute:
The beauty product business changed everything,” they stated, “We are not familiar with the matters but we believe that a legitimate company that seeks to do business with DBSK must consult with SM first. It is common sense. We did not get involved as getting involved with a company that sought to do business without SM would have meant that trouble was ahead.

We did not want the reputation and pride of DBSK, earned by our hard work, to get ruined by a beauty product company that did not work in a legally respectable manner. We are not aware of the contract between that company and the three members, nor do we know what those members were told or how much they have earned through their deal. What we do know is that the fact that DBSK, forged together for 5 years by all of our dreams, have fallen into the current state because of an unethical company is simply unacceptable."

After reading this,somehow i felt betrayed and fooled.Are we on the right side??? Were we on the right side from the very beginning of this??!! I was proud to tell my family and friends for the past 4 years that I'm a Cassiopeia(though not an official one).. I love TVXQ, I crave for TVXQ, I craze for TVXQ. I laugh,i cry, i get support from TVXQ... They are everything in my life~ Yes,i admit..We are OBSESSED!! so what??!!! We buy their merchandises,everything from album to posters,photos,mug,bottle,hp accessories,concert goodies,calender, pillow, towel,look-alike t-shirts...just everything.. WHY?? to show our greatest support to them,to boost their album sales up high,to have them showing off their charisma on the stage performing for the world...

I personally think that the 13 year contract is not a problem..TVXQ is not like any other groups which pops up suddenly and vanishes suddenly like the new groups now. The name TVXQ has been carved deep down inside every korean's heart and memory,as they once shook the whole korea with their amazing singing skills and hard work,having people watching them in awe...SME knew that TVXQ will be like a life-long investment,that's why he made the 13 year contract..The particular rule saying that they will not be receiving a single cent if their album sales did not reach 50,000 copies and above is kind of unacceptable,but it can be negotiated,right?? Why did they made a big fuss out of it just for the stupid beauty product line that JaeChunSu were into it and asked to pull out from it?? WHY??!!!!! Before the statement that Yunho and Changmin made came out, i thought JaeChunSu were right..And i felt proud and was really impressed by korean Cassies whom took legal action against this lawsuit thingy rather than creating a strike or throwing tantrums in front of the company... When they said they will boycott all SME products until this lawsuit ends,I too join in by not buying SME products in malaysia. I thought this would help..i really do. I even printed out TVXQ's photos and hand them to those i knew,just to let them know TVXQ are in a lawsuit and we Cassiopeias will always keep the faith in them.. I am willing to do anything for them,to have them smile again...But i don't know what to do now. Whose side should i be standing now?? I just want back my TVXQ, the 5 guys who are always so humble and generous, making us laugh and cry for them,let us scream our heads off when they perform their powerful dances, let all of us sit down and enjoy their ballad songs...That's all i want... I just want to have them smile again,and say : Thank you , Cassiopeias!!!! We love you!!! We'll do our best!!!!

I don't know what are you thinking now,JaeJoong,YuCheon and Junsu... All the things we have done for you is just to have TVXQ back with the 5 of you guys... I'm tired of this..We've been waiting for so long,and when we thought this would be the end,it turns out that we have to wait longer...I am willing to wait,but do you know that life without TVXQ's photos and new songs is just so bland...A day seems so long~

So,oppas, think hard,think twice,and think wise..Don't let TVXQ crumble down like this.. I don't want this...5-1=0, 5+1=0. Only the 5 of you-HoMinJaeChunSu are the member of TVXQ, the top group in the world... I miss your smile,your love,your tears,your everything...

Still.. Always Keep The Faith~

오빠, 다 거짓말 이에요??
아니 지??
그레도, 난 너 미더~
난 너 미더~



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