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So?? How?? Is it all over???

I was feeling under the weather for the past two days. I couldn't eat well, I couldn't sleep well. The updates of TVXQ regarding to the lawsuit is stressing me up. I can't help but to worry about their future,and what will happen to us Cassiopeia.. I tried hard not to have the word 'disband' linger in mind,but now even my friend Leyzell mentioned the word...Totally stressed up on what is happening~ Both sides' standing are so strong,and either side wouldn't tolerate.. Is this how you guys are going to stay like this?? How long will this last?? I'm desperate.... Do you know how much it hurts to see the updates everyday that almost all are negatively commented?? Every time before i view the updates, I hope there are good news of it..But none came out.. A lot of seniors,juniors,music industry related people gave positive comments on TVXQ,but still,we knew that it was wrong...

You guys once said to only believe in what you all say,and always keep the faith in you guys no matter what.I did..I only believe those statements that you guys made, having 100% trust in you..But after the signed statement of Yunho oppa and Changmin oppa came out,I'm confused... The promises that you guys made, are they real?? I'm now still trying to hold on to the promises you guys made,and the promise i made to myself..But it seems like it all my energy has been drained up and there is nothing much that i can do.Shouldn't you at least stand out and make a clear statement regarding to your standing and condition now??? I don't mean it by through the lawyer,I want you guys to do that!!! The 3rd party can never make things clear,because they are not the one we trust. YOU are the one whom we trusted,from then till now,for so long...

So what now?? Should we just accept the fact?? Or continue in believing?? I know Cassiopeia are still staying strong,but at the same time I know it's weakening~ You still want us to believe in you guys right?? You know we still love you guys right?? You know we are willing to do anything for you guys right??? We still want to see the 5 of you performing on the stage till we grow old and die~ Having to see your purest smile on your faces is the most precious moment on earth~ Having to see the 5 of you together will be the most cherished moment in our whole life~ The 5 stars shining in the universe,will never fade...

I hope everything goes right... Cassiopeia and TVXQ will always stay together!!!!! I'll always keep the faith...The feeling is getting stronger and stronger now.. When it is time,i will have it tattooed.. Love you~ Miss you~ I believe in you,no matter what~

* having a bad gastric,cuz i don't feel like eating...

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