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Sick of everything~

Not much updates of TVXQ these 2 days..the bad feeling has gone..hmm~ Maybe something good will turn up??? I really hope so~

Okay,that's not the main aim of me writing my blog today~ So put aside TVXQ first...
SHIT!!! I'm so sick of everything now~ The country..(sorry,i don't consider it as "MY" country). my mum,my dad..ugh~ I'm just so sick of them~ I'm so stressed up because of them~ They always ask me to change,ask me to become faster,study more,revise more... owh~ Damn it! Stop those naggings won't you?? I know when to do that!!! There's something that i want when i'm at home, that is privacy,peace and relax~ I just want to enjoy my very own time when i'm at home,but you made that impossible....

Dad got scolded by his boss today,and he ask me to be ready by 8.30am or else i would have to go college by bus...Then my 'lou dao' Bryan called...We chatted about half an hour,and mum came into my room,without knocking the door,and started to clean my room.. My god~ Seriously invaded my privacy..I felt so uncomfortable chatting with my 'lou dao'..I immediately close the door after she left..And then she barge into my room again and handed me a note. The note was mainly about getting ready by 8.30am so that my dad can arrive early at work so that he would not be fired..And the last sentence : Please grow up.
Means?? I'm IMMATURE??? yeah,i am!! So what??!!!

I've been tolerating with my mum cuz she's having her post-menstrual which usually have the symptoms of bad temper.but sometimes she has really gone too far...I am already stressed up at college,and not the words burdens me even more... That is why i made a promise to myself.. Once i go to Korea,i will no longer come back here~ I'm not saying that i don't need my family,it is just that i prefer to do things on my own,with my choice of partner..Because normally family members tend to screw things up~

Okay..I'm feeling better now~ and thanks to my chingu Wei Sum for redecorating my blog's background~ Thank you !!! muah muah muah muah muah~~~~

*god..the kissing scene kills~ *heart stopped beating & screaming my head off~*

aww..i wish im the one who's he hugging right now~


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