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Annoyance causes stress..

Annoyance causes stress...Yes,that is what i want to say to my dad. Shit you daddy!!!! I hate it when you ask me to get ready faster every morning before going to school! How i wish that i could throw vulgar words at you, F*** ing you in every words i could??? Ish~ This is so annoying and irritating..And on tuesday,you came out of the car and shouted at me:"You wanna take bus to school is it??" DAMN!!!! Do you know that i really want to shout at you: " FINE!!! I'll take bus to school!!! Drive your old junk to work and leave without me!!! F*** U!!!!!" Damn it..I was so angry at that time but i just turn the anger in to myself.Why? Cuz i still respect you as my dad. I just grab everything and threw it in my bag,then get into my dad's car.Total silence during the whole journey..True enough,I'm pissed off. Talking to him will just raise my blood pressure and hatred. At first you said we'll depart at 8.45am,later on it became 8.30am...When i start getting used to 8.30am, and suddenly you changed it to 8.15am!!!! Damn you!!!! I need to put on make up and you don't!!! Why can't you just be more considerate?? You just think of yourself!!!! Yeah, some of you will say: Then wake up earlier loh~ Who doesn't know that??? I did,but everytime he says : Be quick!! Shit.. I don't have the mood to put on my make up anymore. Its so annoying,and it is stressful!!! I hate it when people start to control me.

I told my mum about it and she said: "Wake up earlier to put on your make up,then you wouldn't be nagged by your dad every time. You don't want him to lose his job right?? He's working for others,you should be more understanding." But why should i be the only one who is understanding?? Can't he try to be in my shoes for some times?? I talked to my brother,and he answered the same thing as my mum said..Ish,guess AB blood type like me cannot communicate with B blood type..There is no one i can turn to to express my anger.. My best sis left me. Haizz~ Till now i still don't know why she refuse to reply my letters and sms...

My dad,again with his annoying voice,told me to finish my oriental medicine just now. Shit.. I can't stand his voice for the second time,so I immediately rush to the kitchen,drank the damn medicine,and continue to sit in front of my computer.. I don't even want to see his face... It just pressures me a lot. Actually, I don't mean to ignore him,nor hate him. I love him,and i respect him. I guess it is after i found some "things" inside his handphone where it shouldn't exist...Guys, you know what I'm talking about right?? I know it is really common,especially men to have it,but should you at least save it somewhere else that people couldn't find it?? I don't mean to despise him,but i really hate guys,especially married men to have that. You already had a family, a wife and two kids. And still you want to hold on to those disgusting things?? I really hate that... Ugh..And now my mum thinks that he may have an affair.. Oh god..If he really does,I'm gonna hate him for the rest of my life and cut the relationship with him.That's it..I don't want to be related to these shameful things... I told my mum I will migrate to Korea..Listen up,it's migrate,not emigrate.I'm gonna be Korea's resident,not malaysian anymore.. Its up to her to follow me or not,but i think i won't be bringing my dad there. He can't too..He doesn't have a passport. Anyway,I am that kind of people who goes over the extremities..It is either hate or love.. STOP NAGGING ME FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!!!!!!!!! i HATE IT!!!! I HATE IT!!! AND DON'T KEEP ON SAYING I'M STUPID!!!!! I KNOW WHEN TO DO THINGS,SO SHUT THE HELL UP AND LET ME BE!!!!


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