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The world..is so cold....

It's bone-chilling cold nowadays~ Is it the weather,or the world????? The feeling of coldness,and alone...People giving you a cold look,or a cold shoulder.That cold and helpless feeling, chills down your spine and trembles your heart.... Maybe it is because I work in an environment that needs to have interactions with people,and perhaps that is why i can sense the coldness of the world better than others. It is really really cold these few days...I suffer from enduring the coldness...Brrr~~~

Today is the last day i'll be working together with him,although it just only lasted for 30 minutes..We didn't talk to each other at first,and i thought : Shit~ Today is the last day,maybe we won't see each other again,but we're not talking to each other. Is he mad at me because i didn't want to go and watch movie with him and Jia Chi on his birthday???
Hahahah~ But things cool down when i teased him about finding his wife Jia Chi upstairs...He was kinda upset at first,but he teased me back about Sanish..ahahahah~ Well,maybe he is really sad to leave her...So sad to see them forced to part from each other~ Took some pictures before we left,and that's it. He will be transferred to 1 Utama outlet... Good luck there yahh,my brother Wai Loon..And remember to take care of my friend Fuzai~~ XD
One more thing..Only today i knew that Ken smokes..WHAT THE??!!!! I was so shocked to hear that!! All along i thought he is that kind of obedient guy,is a filial son and a gentlemen. But after knowing that fact that he smokes,and i even saw him smoking in front of me....Gone~ All gone...Image gone...Bye bye...I don't want to see you,nor hear your voice~ 피겨!!!!! Ugh~ Disgusting~~ Why do those around me need to smoke??? Is smoking that nice??? Can't you do something else besides smoking???? Is smoking the only resolution to your stress??? I really hate those who smokes... Sometimes,you are really perfect.But when i got to know that he smokes,BYE~ Totally blacklisted in my life~~ Ish....Smoking really destroy everything,and you smokers,SUCK!!!!!!!!!! Don't be a sucker for heaven's sake!!!! I despise you!!!!!! PUI!!!!!!!!

* I...went to fb and check how HE is doing nowadays..I know i'm stupid...But i just wanted to know if he is doing well....He said he wanted to go back to those days in PLKN,cuz its memorable and enjoying. Yeah,you said that.I once wished for that to happen too~ But now,there's no way to go back to that period of time...You could if you hadn't have her,but...Forget it...There's no turning back~


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