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Gosh~ It is so boring nowadays~~ My life is just like a walking corpse.. Eat-sleep-wake up-make up-go to college-come back home-watch tv-bath-computer-sleep-work. Ish... Too boring~~ Doesn't make any sense..Maybe i really really really wanted to go to Korea as soon as possible so deadly....Malaysia is too boring,that is what my Ye Ji eonni told me~ *Totally agrees*

Maybe it is near Christmas,or maybe it is near the end of the year~ Christmas alone for 18 years...Pitiful huh?? Eishh~ Perhaps i should get the handsome korean guy's number when i went to Korean Town?? Then maybe i will feel better~ hahhah~ Nevermind,it's over now.. If we are fated to be together,we'll meet again next time.But still,i still felt a little bit of regret. Ye Ji eonni,please ask his number for me!!!! kakaxx.. Christmas is coming soon...Where can i go??? There's no one to celebrate with me.. But my schedule for the last 2 weeks of December is already jammed packed..

Monday - College till 4pm
Tuesday - College till 4pm AGAIN~~~~ sienzz
Wednesday - College till 12.30pm. maybe go Sunway lagoon with relatives.
Thursday - shopping with mum and brother at IKEA & The Curve
Fri,Sat and Sunday - Working

# Next Week
Mon,Tues,Wed - College
Thursday - maybe working~~
Fri,Sat and Sunday - working

then 2009 has passed... What a boring way to welcome year 2010~~

gahh~~ It's really boring!!!!! I have friends who are free,and they're having their semester break..But i~ I still have to attend to college when everyone is suppose to enjoy their holidays.. T_T uwaaaaa~~~ THIS IS SO UNFAIR!!!!! When i'm free,everyone is busy. When i'm busy,everyone is on holiday..How can???? I want to go shopping and play with my friends too~~~ Life is so bland this year.. It should be more fun..Cuz it's my only once in a lifetime 18 years old!!!! But everything seemed to turn out not as expected... Haizz... 2 more weeks,and i'm gonna end my pitiful 18 years old life~ How sad~~ >.< Anyway,i hope year 2010 will be a good year for all of us..Especially to TVXQ oppas~ Please let everything be alright.....Always Keep The Faith!!!!!!!!!!


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