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26th of December~

It's 26th of December.
The day after Christmas, a few days before new year.
Should we celebrate, or should we regret?
It is now the time to review what we've done throughout the year.
It is now the time to wake up from the past.
But, is it really the time now?? Tell me...

We should be celebrating by now.
We should be together by now.
But why now? Why at this time??
If it is so hard, you should have told us.
You should have told us earlier..
Why didn't you?? Why??
Why did you endured it all on your own like a fool, which nobody cares??
Why did you take up all the responsibilities to make us laugh,but cry on your own?
Why did you pretend to be strong,when you are so weak and needed someone to rely on?
Why?? Why didn't you tell us??

I'm sorry, that I didn't know you had to go through this on your own.
i'm sorry, that I didn't know you had to cry alone.
i'm sorry, that we became a burden to you.
I'm sorry, that we couldn't be beside you now.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry. And I'm sorry that we couldn't do anything,but just to feel sorry...

Yes, we are fools. Both of us are fools...
Fools that only care for others,
and chose to ignore themselves.
Fools that try to make others happy,
though they are suffering on their own.
Fools, who chose to believe others no matter what they say,because they have faith in them.
And we are fools,
who will be happy when others are happy.

i'm sad, because I couldn't find a word to match up the most beautiful word in the world,
that is 행복...
The word
행복 couldn't be defines through words.
You need to feel it, experience it, and have it to really know what it means.
It is a feeling that couldn't be explained,for it is too wonderful to describe it.

I only knew the word
행복 after i met you.
I'm glad that you brought me the most beautiful word on Earth.
Since you brought me the most beautiful word on Earth, I knew I can't turn back.
you've stolen my soul, stolen my heart.
it's a crazy love that I have to admit.
i will do everything I can to prove that my love is real.
To be able to tell others how much I love you, that is the greatest thing in my life...

For the past 5 years, we've seen how much you have grown.
From a boy. to a man.
From a pure voice, to now this angelic voice.
You have grown up so much...
Much matured,much far-sighted,
much more charismatic, much more lovable.
but at the same time, we can see,
your frowns, your depression,
your stress, your frights,
and your tears coming down.

you know how much it hurts to see your love ones to cry right?? It really, really, really, really hits you hard down there. it suffocates you, it frightens you... it makes you just wanna be by their side right away, and hug them in your arms tight, protecting them from the evil, because we don't want to experience that feeling again...

I thought we will be celebrating your 6th anniversary today as like before.
i really thought everything will be okay.
I really thought so..
But, I guess, you couldn't take it anymore.
You decided to free yourself now.
You decided to take a rest now.
You decided to let people know the truth now.

All of us were shocked to know that at first, but we were on your side.
We only believe statements that you made,
and done various things to support you.
It's just to show our love, show our support, and let you know that,
WE are here for you...

But then, rumors started spreading around.
Both parties said different things.
News that people receive differ from varieties.
To be honest, I hated you at that time.
I hated you, because you were so selfish.
Because of your selfishness, you made everyone suffer from sleepless nights.
Because of your selfishness, you made countless people shed tears.
Because of your selfishness, people look down on us.
And because of your selfishness...Your selfishness..
You made us feel like an outsider,
when we thought we were always there for you,supporting you.
and yet you didn't even tell us what hardships you have been through.

Confused and unable to think straight at that time, i broke into tears so many times.
it felt like something important has disappeared.
It felt like the trust I always had in you, was betrayed.
it felt like oxygen being sucked out from the Earth, unable to breathe.
It felt like DEATH...
Frankly speaking, I thought of suicide for the first time in my life.
I always think that suicide, is the most stupid way of solving problems, and i never approve of that.
But for the really first time, I thought of it...
I told my friends about it, and they say I'm crazy.
Why?? Cuz you are like oxygen to me.
Without you, how can i go on??

As time goes by, things are getting clearer.
You showed us your persistence,
you showed us your love and faith.
And in return, we gained back our trust in you.
We decided to keep the faith in you.
Some may have left, but we are still here for you.
We believe the decisions you made,
we respect the decisions you made.
Because we know we are unable to separate from each other now.
This, had made our bonds became stronger, trust greater, existence forever..

I hope this will end soon, and end peacefully.
I hope no one gets hurt.
I just want you guys to smile again, smile again with your hearts..That's all...
I too, hope there will be the 7th anniversary, 8th anniversary, 9th anniversary, 10 anniversary and keep going on until we are too weak to breathe together.
until then, we will meet each other in heaven, and continue our love there~

TVXQ!, Cassiopeia will be fighting together with you!!!! Let us
Always Keep The Faith~

no matter you are
동방신기,TVXQ!, TVfXQ, Tohoshinki, Gods Rising From The East, Dong Bang Shin Ki, or
you are still the 5 guys that we will love eternally~~

윤호 U-Know
창민 Max
재중 Hero
유천 Micky
준수 Xiah

*Always 5, Forever 5, Eternal 5~

사랑해요, 믿어요....


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