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Jealousy is scary~

haha~ Long time i didn't 'touch' my blog already..I'm not busy,just kinda lazy~ Sometimes i feel like writing,but i was either too angry or sad,then i went to sleep right away~

So,something happened...I thought we will be like brother and sister,but i seemed to care more and more..I felt anxious when he's not there...But now,i know,that's it...No more... Cuz he's aiming for another girl..That is why people always say: When you fell in love once, you will keep on searching for love,because you know that LOVE feels wonderful,and you will be addicted to it.To be loved,and to love someone,that is just something so minor,yet it triggers every cell in your body when you do that. Hahahahaa~

Wan Ching,Bee Lian,Wai Loon,Jia Chi,Sin Hui and i went to korea plaza to celebrate Bee Lian's birthday,which was supposed to be last Thursday...Tried on the hanboks,and we even tried the one for guys...hahahah~ Look like hip hop style..well,Wan Ching and i found out that he had been sms-ing Jia Chi for the past few days..I was abit angry at first,but i know i was the one who rejected him first~ So at the korea plaza,we kept on make chances for the two of them..Hahahaah..perhaps we're too obvious~ Cuz we'd do anything to keep the 2 of them away from us....And secretly planning to dump the 2 of them together~ Kekekekekek... During our lunch at SHIN,we made the two of them sit together,and snapped damn lots of ppictures. Wan Ching and i went of first to buy Wai Loon birthday cake,then Bee Lian and Sin Hui made excuses to the toilet~ But Bee Lian's plan didn't work out,and she had to come back in 10 minutes~ Aigoo...Bee Lian must pick up on acting~ kakakakka~ On my way back to the restaurant,i met my son!!!! kyaa~~ Jit Lun ahh!!! He got a girlfriend,and is way shorter than him..I think the distance is about 3 heads???? And my,he has grown taller!!!!

Then we went to Etude House to buy Bee Lian's birthday present~ Lipgloss..I bought one too.. And went to The Face Shop to shop again~Crazy sale going on there!!!! Bought a mascara and a nail color~~ I wanted to buy the 'migamsu' eye & lips make up remover...hmm~ Maybe later~
Cut the crap,i kinda ignore him on that day~ After all,what isn't supposed to mine,won't be mine. And i even bought TVXQ chips for RM55 for 2 packets,RM 180 for the stupid Pinky mints that i thought it would be a full set..Shit~ and a TVXQ bracelet..Totals up RM254.. I think i'm crazy~~~ No wonder people say : You shop to relieve stress,but after you bought all those stuffs you will feel like dying of regret...Cuz most of them aren't really useful.

Hahahaha~ That's it..I won't answer his calls and invitation to go yumcha again~ Blaks XP


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