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A tiring Christmas eve~~

fu~~ Woke up at 7 something today,bathed and get ready for today's outing. gahh~~ it's my off day but i STILL have to wake up so damn early..and i even had a severe stomachache at 4 this morning after taking the cleanx tea my mum gave me yesterday~ Nevertheless,i got my make up done,and we're set to go~~

I thought we're going straight to The Curve,but my mum changed her mind.So instead of going to The Curve first,we headed towards 1 Utama. Before that,we had breakfast together at a coffee shop. Since my brother and i wore white colored tee shirt,we had to be extremely careful because we ordered 'wan tan mee'...You must be thinking why on earth did these two idiots ordered 'wan tan mee' when they're wearing white tee shirts?? hahahah~ It's because we don't eat beef,don't feel like eating pork balls and don't want to eat spicy food TODAY~~ kakaxx....I was extra and extremely careful while eating the mee,but still,i got a teeny weeny soy sauce stain on my shirt near the button~ Ish..

We arrived at 1U at about 9.30pm,and dad went off to work after dropping us there. Shops were doing their cleaning and preparation at that time.. It was still early,so there is not much to see at that time.So i decided to go to Old Town and pay ah zhu a visit~ ^^ But we don't even know where were we..Are we at the new wing?? Or old wing??? We went and ask the reception,thinking that we are at the old wing.But we are actually at the new wing already... Aigoo~~~ So Old Town Signature is at the ground floor..Luckily,ah zhu was there~ haha..I saw Maung Than Aye too!!!! He's smiling alot now..Cuz he is finally free from 'mother'~ hahahahhah~ Beside Old Town is Etude House..Oh my god~~ if i'm working there i think i'll be going to Etude House every time i finish work..hahahah~ But when we went in there,the staffs are not wearing any make-up at all..Gosh,that gave me a shock~ and AHH!!!!! Code B mascara!!!! I ask the staff when was it launched,and she said last week~~ ISH... If it was launched earlier then i wouldn't have to buy TFS mascara..The mascara is black enough,but a bit sticky and clumpy~~ I would have to say,TFS mascara is good but not black enough. As for Etude House,maybe i have to buy one and try first~ I dare not to buy too many things at Etude House cuz some times,the things just seems to toy-ish.. Anyway, we went round and round and round and round in 1U until we don't know whether we are at the new wing or old wing.. Actually,we went both.. hahahah~

We had lunch at Little Taiwan as i strongly recommended it to my mum~ I really really like their Bubble red tea..It's smooth and has a very nice fragrance~ I had 'tang tang mee' lunch set,my mum ordered 'claypot lou shu fan' lunch set and my bro ate 'honey coated fried chicken rice'(something like that..i forgot the name~~) Then we passed by Old Town and poof~~ haha~ I saw my ah gor Wai Loon there...Greeted him,and then we continued shopping~ Finally,after turning a few hundred times in 1U,we finally found ROMP,and my brother bought 2 tee shirts. I wanted to buy the SMILEY tee at Giordano,but all the tees were too weird looking... I just want one that's normal and same as Jaejoong's~ But..haizz....Forget it~

Then my father picked us up in front of Jusco,and we went to The Curve..gahh~~~ nothing to buy there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only thing i bought,is the shoes that i was forced to buy,cuz my mum insisted on it,and MC Donald ice cream..Thank god we didn't came here first,or else we will be dying from boringness~kakaxx... Of course,after The Curve was IKEA.. Walking along aimlessly,cuz i didn't bought things i wanted today~ Dad has to attend his friend's wedding,so we had to leave early~ Unfortunately,we weren't able to find our car..i thought: Oh my~~ car stolen on christmas eve?? But actually,we were on the wrong floor~ hahahhahaha~
Managed to get home by 7.15pm,and my mum and i got ready to watch out korean drama at 7.25pm...

Then it is boring until now~~~ Anyway,i wish everybody a happy and Merry Christmas!!!
*p/s: i love the STICKY candy!!!!

# at Little Taiwan

# cute and pretty right??


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