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TVXQ reconciled with SM???

Oh My God~ Is this real?? TVXQ reconciled with SM??? jin jja??? jeongmal??? I got this news from a friend of mine in fb...But when i check HanLei eonni's blog,it's still updated about this news,so kinda doubt it abit~~ But..What if they really did reconciled?? Cuz the news seems so real,and it states that they will be starting their activities soon....Should i be happy or sad now?? I'm not sure...I was happy at first when i saw the news,cuz we can finally see the 5 of them together again!!! I feel like screaming my head off at that time,but it was 3am in the morning..If i did that,my mum would kill me~ ahahahah~~~~ But then,after I calmed down from the excitement,i started to think...Didn't they filed a lawsuit against SM cuz they didn't have enough rest and about the labour contract?? If they really reconciled with SM,doesn't it mean that they have to endure the pain again???Having sleepless nights again,overworking again???? Since the news of reconciliation has not yet to be confirmed, I hope everything would be alright...I hope they can continue their activities as 동방신기 again, 5 together as 1 again~~ Anyway,after reading the news,i had a great night... I have not been able to sleep well for the past 2 months due to over crying~hahhaha~~ But now,everything looks great and bright~~ It seems that hope has arrived!!!! ^^

*qiang qiang!!!* Our TVXQ oppa's 29th single - Break Out! mv has finally released!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omana~~ oppas are so effin' sizzling hot!!!!!!! The mv concept is quite similar to Survivor,but who cares?? Its THEIR song anyway!!!! wahahahahah~~ Though there is no scene of the 5 of them together,but it's their mv anyway~~ I don't care eh eh eh eh eh~~~ My hubby Changmin~ Gosh!!! He's so handsome!!!! But he has gotten alot thinner.. Oppa,please eat more~~ You are already skinny enough~~ I've saw some photos of you while you were filming your new drama in Brisbane..You are too skinny!!!! So thin and so weak!!! You just wait~ When i come to korea i will make sure that you are eating enough~ I don't mind if I have to spend all my money on your food,as long as you don't lose anymore weight~ By the way, did anyone realized that the 할아버지 in the mv is Junsu?? It is so funny!!! He still wanna act cool and say: Break Out~ LMAO~~~~ Junsu yah~~~ You're too cute!!!! Jaejoong is no doubt to be cool and mysterious...Feel like wanna rush to him and hug him tight~ As for Yunho, he looks like a mannequin!!!! Yucheon in the opening part singing : I'll keep praying, don't forget it, baby we Keep The Faith eternally!!! kyaa~~ feel like asking all Cassiopeias to shout together!!!! He's gotten more fit now~~ ^^ hah~~~~ There's just too many things to talk about them..Why?? Cuz they are the best group in the world - 동방신기!!!!!!!

ish~~ Now Bigeast is selling merchandises,and i wanted to buy them so badly..But I've alreasy pre-ordered 4 CD....How can?? Now there is another one,the Tohoshinki Best Collection 2010 .. Geez,if I don't buy that,I will hate myself forever..Guess I'm gonna call up My Star aunty soon.... ahh~~ But the Bigeast merchandise....*pulling my hair~* Anyone can buy it for me??? Or just give me money to buy it!!!! Help me!! Save me!!!! I NEED MONEY!!!!!!!!
Below are the merchandises:

mini tote bag

commuter pass case

Post-it notes

Aren't they too cute??? How can i not buy them?? But I have to find ways to get money first~~ hahahahaha~~And their Tohoshinki Best Collection 2010

*pic credits: Source: Bigeast’s mu-mo shop
Credits: linhkawaii @ OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Shared by: sharingyoochun.net,Hanleidbsk.wordpress.com
We'll keep praying, We won't forget it, Oppa we will Keep The Faith eternally!!!!
동방신기 만세!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy the Break Out mv~


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