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SHOPPING~~ Please~~

gahh.. I want to go shopping with my friends!!!!!! Or my mum~~ I've not done my CNY shooping spree yet..CNY is just around the corner,what am i going to wear?? This is a freaking disaster!!!! TT___________TT And I still need to replenish my cosmetic products~ My make-up remover,my gel eye liner. Possibilities of getting all of it at The Face Shop....Etude House is also not bad,but as i've mentioned before,sometimes the products are too toyish~ It looks pretty and cute,but the quality of it...Okay,it depends on each individuals~ I prefer The Face Shop,especially the mascara..Gosh,I just love it!!! Though its not black enough,but still,i love it~ If TFS can improve on their packaging,I think it will attract more teenagers to buy...Cuz sometimes the packaging looks like it's meant for 아주마 to use~~ As the saying goes: Every cent pays it off well. The price range is higher,but the results are 짱!!!!

Besides from my cosmetics...Ahh~ BAG!!! I need a new bag~~ I'm thinking of 1 that is black with tacks on it..Abit of rock style...My shoes too~ But I'm not sure if I would really buy a black one,cuz I don't really like the color black~ maybe a deep purple will do too~~ And I'm gonna buy maybe 2 pieces of dress, a short coat, and hoodies!!!! I'm so into hoodies these days...And of course accessories~ a few pair of earrings(maybe buying from aunty~) and fashion rings....Hmm..What else??? Yeah,tank tops!!! I've already bought 1,but I think i will buy another 2 more...And not forgetting the Blincon contact lens...RM80 for 3 months,I'll give it a try (since it's from Korea~XD)

Days are slow and hard....I don't know why i'm feeling that nowadays~ At work,at home & at school....But time flies when I watch Hwang Jini.... kyaa~~~ Though i will cry everytime i watch this drama,but this drama is really good!!! I got to see alot of gorgeous hanbok,and understand more of Korean traditional culture...Hwang Jini fever now!!!! Thanks alot to my Ye Ji eonni for recommending this drama to me~ ^^ Anyway,JUST ACCOMPANY ME TO GO SHOPPING!!!! AND HAIRCUT!!!!!!!! Oh my god..Haircut..The hardest part.... About getting my hair with color,i think i will have to wait until my birthday.. Nevertheless, Ye Ji eonni will be going to pasar malam with me tonight..Yahooo!!!!!


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