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ohohoho~~~ I've gotten myself into hiatus mode again~~ one of BEAST member : Jang Hyun Seung.. is driving me crazy!!! ahh~~~~ Well,actually,there is another one, name Yong Jun Hyeong,but I'm not that crazy about him~~ hahaha~~ Oh my god~~ Hyun Seung is so cute!!! Actually,when I first saw BEAST on Music Bank, I dislike Hyun Seung cuz he has the toilet bowl hairstyle that i hated most~I focus more on Jun Hyeong..But then,when the song 'Mystery' came out..BANG!!!! He had a haircut and looked great in the suit!!!! kyaa~~~~ And of course the head movement..Gosh~ I'm so into him nowadays!!!!

I thought he was the maknae for the group,cuz he has a cute baby face...But then it turns out to be Yo Seob..Well,nevermind~~ As long as he's there~ kakaxx~~ And i too found out that he was a former member of Big Bang!!!! Woah~~~ His stage name was SO-1 then....He was dropped out due to his shyness...But thank god,he came back as a man in BEAST~ muahahahahhaahaha~~~ *sorry..i know i sound like a maniac~~ XP* I started searching for their pictures on facebook [actually I was searching for HIS photos,not BEAST photos..] and i bumped into some~~ But most of them were pictures of him during the 'Bad Girl' times,so i don't really get much recent photos of him~

I watched Music Bank today,and their performance today is too CUTE!!!! hahah~~ I'm not sure Hyun Seung forgot his moves,or missed the rhythm for that 2 seconds,but i spotted it~ wahh~~ He is so cute standing there stunned..hahahah~~ And then when the camera focuses on him,he smiled to hide his mistakes~~ So damn freaking cute!!!! kyaa~~~~ I can't stop laughing and screaming.. *Hyun Seung cuteness overflowing~~* and luckily,i found the performance for today..Thanks to the uploader at Youtube -
popkisssicle3... And I'm into Jang Geun Suk, Taemin and Eun Ji Won too!!!! Oh my god~~ They are too cute and random!!!!! Gahh~~~ Suddenly i feel like I am already a nuna, who like all those guys which are cute.. But I'm only 18+ this year!!!!! NO~~~~~~~~ But now only Taemin is younger than me..Jang Geun Suk, Hyun Seung and Eun Ji Won are older than me..So I can still call them oppa~~ hohohohoho~~

Hmm~~ Changminnie went to Brisbane a few days ago..JaeJoong,YuCheon and YuHwan followed suit..Then Junsu went too~~Yunho..I think he was visiting his grandmother at the hospital at that time..But some said he went... hah...How i wish to see the 5 of them hanging around together~~ If not because of the lawsuit..Everything will be perfect~ Finished watching 'Dating On Earth' to... Star cast by wuli TVXQ oppas~~ Cried alot,cuz i can finally see the 5 of them together,and speaking in korean~~ It may sound stupid to some of you out there, but it is a great treasure to us Cassiopeia... TVXQ, we'll Always Keep The Faith!!!! mideoyo~~~ ^^

@ Hyun Seung ahh~~ the one in orange hair~~



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