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SHOPPING~~ Please~~

gahh.. I want to go shopping with my friends!!!!!! Or my mum~~ I've not done my CNY shooping spree yet..CNY is just around the corner,what am i going to wear?? This is a freaking disaster!!!! TT___________TT And I still need to replenish my cosmetic products~ My make-up remover,my gel eye liner. Possibilities of getting all of it at The Face Shop....Etude House is also not bad,but as i've mentioned before,sometimes the products are too toyish~ It looks pretty and cute,but the quality of it...Okay,it depends on each individuals~ I prefer The Face Shop,especially the mascara..Gosh,I just love it!!! Though its not black enough,but still,i love it~ If TFS can improve on their packaging,I think it will attract more teenagers to buy...Cuz sometimes the packaging looks like it's meant for 아주마 to use~~ As the saying goes: Every cent pays it off well. The price range is higher,but the results are 짱!!!!

Besides from my cosmetics...Ahh~ BAG!!! I need a new bag~~ I'm thinking of 1 that is black with tacks on it..Abit of rock style...My shoes too~ But I'm not sure if I would really buy a black one,cuz I don't really like the color black~ maybe a deep purple will do too~~ And I'm gonna buy maybe 2 pieces of dress, a short coat, and hoodies!!!! I'm so into hoodies these days...And of course accessories~ a few pair of earrings(maybe buying from aunty~) and fashion rings....Hmm..What else??? Yeah,tank tops!!! I've already bought 1,but I think i will buy another 2 more...And not forgetting the Blincon contact lens...RM80 for 3 months,I'll give it a try (since it's from Korea~XD)

Days are slow and hard....I don't know why i'm feeling that nowadays~ At work,at home & at school....But time flies when I watch Hwang Jini.... kyaa~~~ Though i will cry everytime i watch this drama,but this drama is really good!!! I got to see alot of gorgeous hanbok,and understand more of Korean traditional culture...Hwang Jini fever now!!!! Thanks alot to my Ye Ji eonni for recommending this drama to me~ ^^ Anyway,JUST ACCOMPANY ME TO GO SHOPPING!!!! AND HAIRCUT!!!!!!!! Oh my god..Haircut..The hardest part.... About getting my hair with color,i think i will have to wait until my birthday.. Nevertheless, Ye Ji eonni will be going to pasar malam with me tonight..Yahooo!!!!!

Changmin ahh~~ our dear TVXQ's maknae...

My friend from Facebook posted some unseen footage of Changmin,helping his hyeongs when they were going through a hard time...This is what the update was:

When his hyungs are in a difficult spot, the youngest steps out to support them. On DBSK's 4th comeback stage, all the members caught a cold, on that day Jaejoong's condition was the most serious. Now please watch Changmin. Jaejoong who is affected by his cold is finding it hard to sing. Changmin is watching him worriedly. Once his part is over, he turns to watch Jaejoong again. He continues to watch Jaejoong to make sure he's okay. During the adlib part, Changmin watches Jaejoong struggle with the notes and watches him worriedly. Even though Jaejoong sings well, Changmin still seems to be unsettled and worried. 2007.11.16 THSK is performing Forever Love. On that day, everyone was down with a cold again. It was hard on all of them once again, but Junsu particularly was hit the hardest. Once again, observe Changmin. Changmin who is watching Junsu from time to time. When Junsu has to hit his high notes, his voice sounds like he is struggling. Changmin continues to watch over Junsu. Suddenly, he raises his mike and follows Junsu's high notes. (@1.46, OMG I never even noticed although I've watched this performance tens of times. Compared this with the original Forever Love performance in Bigeast and this is supposed to be Junsu's solo.) Changmin is still worried and keeps continues watching Junsu. Listen to it one more time, Changmin's voice is supporting Junsu's. YH: our youngest, changmin. actually although we joke around a lot, Changmin has the deepest thoughts in thsk, and he knows how to manage and support this hyungs well. There are times where Changmin displays his charm as the youngest but there are also times that he is as mature as his hyungs. Your thoughts are always the deepest; one whom THSK cannot do without. An important presence, Shim Changmin. Thanks for the tip, ekin_hardy Video: TohoDancoFighto + makirain + YUAERUBI Credit: candy_swirlz@dbsg
This is the video clip: (embedding disabled by request)

Omo..I never knew that..Especially the LITI part..I thought it was just a pose or something similar because normally,when singers sing ballads,they don't often look at the screen.. i thought it was just normal of him to be standing in their position..I didn't know that the worried face he showed was not to express the sad and deep feelings in the song,but to really worry Jaejoong deep from his heart... I think all of us missed that part right?? ALL OF US did~
And the 'Forever Love' part...I have not seen this performance before *they have too much..agree??* But when i saw this,I know that Junsu was not feeling well that time..The song was a little bit off tune during the middle part...And the moment Junsu sings the high note, Changmin raised his mic,and that was only about 2 seconds on screen..He supported Junsu's high note part..He didn't want Junsu to be embarassed and felt guilty due to his cold that will ruin the song...So he sang along too~ How considerate of him~~

I'm in tears after i finished watching the video~ That is why I love you Shim Changmin..That is why I fell in love with you~ I was attracted to Yunho at first when I first knew TVXQ..But when I had a real good look at you guys' profiles and photos, your mezmerising eyes caught my attention..From that moment onwards,I fell deeply in love with you..So deep that I knew I couldn't live without you~

So listen up 심창민!! Stay single for me until we both meet in Korea!!!!!!! We'll have an unforgettable dating experience together,and be the best couple ever!!!! We'll get married too!!!!!!!!! UNDERSTAND??!!! YOU AND I ARE DESTINIED TO BE TOGETHER!!! 사랑해~~~
This is the photo You caught me with~ I can't escape now~~

For your latest info, I'm still on a cold war with him...Everyone said I should be more generous because I'm the elder one.He didn't do it on purpose too~ I actually DID have this thought too... Then i told myself, okay~ Just forgive him...I will download all the songs again..Pictures~~ Haizz..Someday...Somehow.. But when i log in to the website where I normally download all their albums there,I can't download any of it!!!!! SHIT!!!!! The anger and those bad memories just came back and blew up my brain~ So sorry...Forgiveness not given!!!!!!!!!!!!

TVXQ reconciled with SM???

Oh My God~ Is this real?? TVXQ reconciled with SM??? jin jja??? jeongmal??? I got this news from a friend of mine in fb...But when i check HanLei eonni's blog,it's still updated about this news,so kinda doubt it abit~~ But..What if they really did reconciled?? Cuz the news seems so real,and it states that they will be starting their activities soon....Should i be happy or sad now?? I'm not sure...I was happy at first when i saw the news,cuz we can finally see the 5 of them together again!!! I feel like screaming my head off at that time,but it was 3am in the morning..If i did that,my mum would kill me~ ahahahah~~~~ But then,after I calmed down from the excitement,i started to think...Didn't they filed a lawsuit against SM cuz they didn't have enough rest and about the labour contract?? If they really reconciled with SM,doesn't it mean that they have to endure the pain again???Having sleepless nights again,overworking again???? Since the news of reconciliation has not yet to be confirmed, I hope everything would be alright...I hope they can continue their activities as 동방신기 again, 5 together as 1 again~~ Anyway,after reading the news,i had a great night... I have not been able to sleep well for the past 2 months due to over crying~hahhaha~~ But now,everything looks great and bright~~ It seems that hope has arrived!!!! ^^

*qiang qiang!!!* Our TVXQ oppa's 29th single - Break Out! mv has finally released!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omana~~ oppas are so effin' sizzling hot!!!!!!! The mv concept is quite similar to Survivor,but who cares?? Its THEIR song anyway!!!! wahahahahah~~ Though there is no scene of the 5 of them together,but it's their mv anyway~~ I don't care eh eh eh eh eh~~~ My hubby Changmin~ Gosh!!! He's so handsome!!!! But he has gotten alot thinner.. Oppa,please eat more~~ You are already skinny enough~~ I've saw some photos of you while you were filming your new drama in Brisbane..You are too skinny!!!! So thin and so weak!!! You just wait~ When i come to korea i will make sure that you are eating enough~ I don't mind if I have to spend all my money on your food,as long as you don't lose anymore weight~ By the way, did anyone realized that the 할아버지 in the mv is Junsu?? It is so funny!!! He still wanna act cool and say: Break Out~ LMAO~~~~ Junsu yah~~~ You're too cute!!!! Jaejoong is no doubt to be cool and mysterious...Feel like wanna rush to him and hug him tight~ As for Yunho, he looks like a mannequin!!!! Yucheon in the opening part singing : I'll keep praying, don't forget it, baby we Keep The Faith eternally!!! kyaa~~ feel like asking all Cassiopeias to shout together!!!! He's gotten more fit now~~ ^^ hah~~~~ There's just too many things to talk about them..Why?? Cuz they are the best group in the world - 동방신기!!!!!!!

ish~~ Now Bigeast is selling merchandises,and i wanted to buy them so badly..But I've alreasy pre-ordered 4 CD....How can?? Now there is another one,the Tohoshinki Best Collection 2010 .. Geez,if I don't buy that,I will hate myself forever..Guess I'm gonna call up My Star aunty soon.... ahh~~ But the Bigeast merchandise....*pulling my hair~* Anyone can buy it for me??? Or just give me money to buy it!!!! Help me!! Save me!!!! I NEED MONEY!!!!!!!!
Below are the merchandises:

mini tote bag

commuter pass case

Post-it notes

Aren't they too cute??? How can i not buy them?? But I have to find ways to get money first~~ hahahahaha~~And their Tohoshinki Best Collection 2010

*pic credits: Source: Bigeast’s mu-mo shop
Credits: linhkawaii @ OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Shared by: sharingyoochun.net,Hanleidbsk.wordpress.com
We'll keep praying, We won't forget it, Oppa we will Keep The Faith eternally!!!!
동방신기 만세!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy the Break Out mv~


ohohoho~~~ I've gotten myself into hiatus mode again~~ one of BEAST member : Jang Hyun Seung.. is driving me crazy!!! ahh~~~~ Well,actually,there is another one, name Yong Jun Hyeong,but I'm not that crazy about him~~ hahaha~~ Oh my god~~ Hyun Seung is so cute!!! Actually,when I first saw BEAST on Music Bank, I dislike Hyun Seung cuz he has the toilet bowl hairstyle that i hated most~I focus more on Jun Hyeong..But then,when the song 'Mystery' came out..BANG!!!! He had a haircut and looked great in the suit!!!! kyaa~~~~ And of course the head movement..Gosh~ I'm so into him nowadays!!!!

I thought he was the maknae for the group,cuz he has a cute baby face...But then it turns out to be Yo Seob..Well,nevermind~~ As long as he's there~ kakaxx~~ And i too found out that he was a former member of Big Bang!!!! Woah~~~ His stage name was SO-1 then....He was dropped out due to his shyness...But thank god,he came back as a man in BEAST~ muahahahahhaahaha~~~ *sorry..i know i sound like a maniac~~ XP* I started searching for their pictures on facebook [actually I was searching for HIS photos,not BEAST photos..] and i bumped into some~~ But most of them were pictures of him during the 'Bad Girl' times,so i don't really get much recent photos of him~

I watched Music Bank today,and their performance today is too CUTE!!!! hahah~~ I'm not sure Hyun Seung forgot his moves,or missed the rhythm for that 2 seconds,but i spotted it~ wahh~~ He is so cute standing there stunned..hahahah~~ And then when the camera focuses on him,he smiled to hide his mistakes~~ So damn freaking cute!!!! kyaa~~~~ I can't stop laughing and screaming.. *Hyun Seung cuteness overflowing~~* and luckily,i found the performance for today..Thanks to the uploader at Youtube -
popkisssicle3... And I'm into Jang Geun Suk, Taemin and Eun Ji Won too!!!! Oh my god~~ They are too cute and random!!!!! Gahh~~~ Suddenly i feel like I am already a nuna, who like all those guys which are cute.. But I'm only 18+ this year!!!!! NO~~~~~~~~ But now only Taemin is younger than me..Jang Geun Suk, Hyun Seung and Eun Ji Won are older than me..So I can still call them oppa~~ hohohohoho~~

Hmm~~ Changminnie went to Brisbane a few days ago..JaeJoong,YuCheon and YuHwan followed suit..Then Junsu went too~~Yunho..I think he was visiting his grandmother at the hospital at that time..But some said he went... hah...How i wish to see the 5 of them hanging around together~~ If not because of the lawsuit..Everything will be perfect~ Finished watching 'Dating On Earth' to... Star cast by wuli TVXQ oppas~~ Cried alot,cuz i can finally see the 5 of them together,and speaking in korean~~ It may sound stupid to some of you out there, but it is a great treasure to us Cassiopeia... TVXQ, we'll Always Keep The Faith!!!! mideoyo~~~ ^^

@ Hyun Seung ahh~~ the one in orange hair~~


I'm crying too much these days~~

I'm crying too much these few days~~ I've gotten more sensitive nowadays... Just because he pressed the wrong button,i lost everything... He crossed the line... That is a crime, a crime similar to murder..Losing all my data about TVXQ,is just like hopes no longer exist in this world... Do you know that kind of feeling?? I bet you don't, cuz you haven't found what you truly like yet... Sometimes,sorry does not mean everything. There are things that could be forgiven, it is because you have not crossed the bottom line. Once you crossed it, no matter what you do to seek for forgiveness,it is just UNFORGIVABLE.. Yes, UNFORGIVABLE~~~ Remember that word...Whenever I hear your voice or see your face,the anger immediately flares in my body... That is why i chose to ignore you,and refuse to talk to you... The pain is too much to bear... She said she would rather to see me shouting at him,scold him or beat him than to have a cold war with him...But sorry..If I really do that, he would have been dead by now.I would have scolded him until he lost his pride,and have beaten him to death.. That is why i chose to have cold war... Forgive me for doing this~

Yes, I do cry while watching dramas..But crying everyday on my own now, I can't control it.. Every time i heard or saw their articles, tears come out uncontrollably~ Even when i look at the posters in my room,i can't stop crying..Before THIS happened, I will look at the posters and smile,but now,its totally opposite...I need to listen to your songs everyday before THIS happened,but now i hardly play your songs on my music playlist...How long is THIS going to last??? How long do i still need to wait??? How long?? I'm heartsick and in pain now.. Sometimes I would think selfishly, can't you just endure it for us?? Then I don't have to suffer everyday like this now...

After watching your performance in KHK...Yup,the 5 of you are together..But the feeling is different already..It always was 5 together as ONE, but that day's performance...Its no longer 1~~I can feel that there is a gap between you guys now..Before,the 5 of you will have the same gestures, perfect teamwork, eye contact with members when singing..But that day, you guys showed different emotions, you don't have the shine in your eyes anymore, and no eye contact at all with your members...The atmosphere was awkward... i would normally cry to this song,but that day, i cried because i feel we are getting further apart... What is Tohoshinki without Dong Bang Shin Ki?? You tell me~~TELL ME!!!!!! I'm afraid that i might have a breakdown someday...I don't know when,and I don't know what will i do that time.. I don't like the me now~~ I really don't... I'm usually the toughest among my friends,but now i feel so small and weak....I don't have anyone to hang on now,because THIS happened....

And on yesterday,i watched the KBS music awards...Congratulations on the group who won, but then, they made a huge mistake... They made the same dance as you did,the sexy back ending pose..And damn it,I was furious. I wanted to throw the remote control at that time,but she was beside me,so I couldn't...What do they mean by this??? Is this a kind of humuliation??? I was so disappointed,and sad..I was screaming my head off that time,but after they did it..I thought of you,and i started to cry again...

I'm tired, I'm heartsick, I'm in pain, I'm alone, I'm cold now..but I will still keep on waiting, because I know you won't leave us alone...

Always Keep The Faith~ I love you, Dong Bang Shin Ki....

* If i had to cry until i became blind to have you 5 back together as 1, I am willing to~

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